Foraging and Wild Medicine Workshops with Alice Rose Betony from Sacred Seeds Herbal Project. Wowo’s very own resident medical herbalist.

Prices: Herbal holiday club day £45 for 1 Adult & 1 Child; £20 for additional child / Wild Medicine Walks £35pp

Scroll down below the calendar to see the list of foraging and wild medicine walks and workshops on offer.

Wowo campsite east sussex camping and glamping



Below are the details of what foraging and wild medicine walks and workshops are on offer.


Friday 21st March / 10am-12.30pm / £35pp

Come along to share in the grounding and connecting experience of walking the land, as the sap rises and the days are longer, at this time of balance of day and night. Celebrate the dance of life, the elements and the sun gaining strength while being outside in nature. Learn about the very first wild food and medicine of the year that becomes available. Young shoots, roots & leaves a plenty for food and medicine.

Alice will talk through the medicinal and nutritional elements of each of the plants as well as giving many recipe suggestions and an email will be sent with some basic botany teaching guides alongside seasonal recipes to help you along on your foraging journey. We will end the walk by tasting some wild teas we will make along the way, sampling tasters of seasonal wild medicines and planting some medicinal plant seeds for you to take home and grow. We will end in circle, taking turns to share what we wish to bring out into the world, either speaking aloud or to yourself, we will witness each other.


Wednesday 9th April / 10am-3pm / £45pp (£20/sibling) 6-13yrs

This is a family foraging day, parents attend alongside their child.

Kit list: Clothes for all weathers, suitable footwear for uneven or wet ground, notepad/herb note pad/pen
Bring packed lunch and water and snack. Arrive 10mins early to use the loo and settle in.

Join herbalist and forager Alice Betony for a day in the Easter Holidays, for a spring greens and roots day.
The parent attends alongside their child so they can learn together and bring the foraging knowledge back into their family lives.

We will spend the morning filling up our baskets together with wild greens, spring flowers and roots. The afternoon will be spent around the fire making food and medicines together. We will sample the wild food we prepared together and herbal remedies will be taken home.


Wednesday 30th April / 10am-12.30pm / £35pp

Come along to share this special seasonal festival, the peak of spring and the start of summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and life force.
Share this informative short walk to teach you some basic botany and plant ID and to introduce you to all the wild medicine and food that is in abundance at this time of year.

We will end the walk by tasting some wild teas and sampling some love potions and jumping over a small fire in honour of Beltane, a pledge to yourselves to leave behind what is no longer helping us. We will hang ribbons in a tree and make a wish or a blessing, thanking nature for all of their gifts to humankind.


Thursday 29th May / 10am-3pm / £45pp (£20/sibling) 6-13yrs

This is a family foraging day, parents attend alongside their child.

Kit list: Clothes for all weathers, suitable footwear for uneven or wet ground, notepad/herb note pad/pen
Bring packed lunch and water and snack. Arrive 10mins early to use the loo and settle in.

Join herbalist and forager Alice Betony for a day of early summer foraging and wild medicine making. Elderflowers and roses will be a firm feature of ingredients alongside lot of wild greens for food and other hedgerow medicinals that appear this time of year.

We will spend the morning foraging and then the afternoon is spent in the shade of the woods around the fire. We will cook over the fire and share some wild food recipes together and some medicinal remedies will be made and taken home.


Monday 23rd June / 10am-12.30pm / £35pp

Join Alice for the longest day of the year as the rampant growth of the plants reaches their peak. Experience the peak time for wildflowers, a great chance to dive deeper into basic botany and plant ID. Learn about the healing properties of the wild flowers around us. Alice will talk through the medicinal and nutritional elements of each of the plants as well as giving many recipe suggestions and an email will be sent with some basic botany teaching guides alongside seasonal recipes to help you along on your foraging journey.

We will end this walk by sampling wild teas and tonics. We will make flower crowns together as well as herbal incense bundles to take home. We will celebrate all of our achievements and who we are individually.


Wednesday 30th June / 10am-3pm / £45pp (£20/sibling) 6-13yrs

This is a family foraging day, parents attend alongside their child.

Kit list: Clothes for all weathers, suitable footwear for uneven or wet ground, notepad/herb note pad/pen
Bring packed lunch and water and snack. Arrive 10mins early to use the loo and settle in.

Join herbalist and forager Alice Betony for a day of early summer foraging and wild medicine making. Elderflowers and roses will be a firm feature of ingredients alongside lot of wild greens for food and other hedgerow medicinals that appear this time of year.

We will spend the morning foraging and then the afternoon is spent in the shade of the woods around the fire. We will cook over the fire and share some wild food recipes together and some medicinal remedies will be made and taken home.


Thursday 18th September / 10am-12.30pm / £35pp

Autumn is a busy time in the foragers and herbalist’s schedules, such an abundant time of year. Come along for this gentle walk to get a flavour of this celebration of nature’s harvests on this day of balance. Alice will talk through the medicinal and nutritional elements of each of the plants as well as giving many recipe suggestions and an email will be sent with some basic botany teaching guides alongside seasonal recipes to help you along on your foraging journey.

We will end the walk sharing some wild teas and tasters of seasonal wild medicines. We will make a simple altar and share our gratitude, we will take a moment to think about the seeds we would like to plant within ourselves, to incubate over the winter months and re-emerge in Spring.


Wednesday 29th October / 10am-3pm / £45pp (£20/sibling) 6-13yrs

This is a family foraging day, parents attend alongside their child.

Kit list: Clothes for all weathers, suitable footwear for uneven or wet ground, notepad/herb note pad/pen
Bring packed lunch and water and snack. Arrive 10mins early to use the loo and settle in.

Join herbalist and forager Alice Betony for an autumnal day of family foraging fun with roots, seeds, nuts, berries & greens. We will spend the morning gathering wild foods and medicinal roots and the afternoon will be spend making food and medicines together.

We will either be outside around a fire, weather permitting, or we will be in the barn to be dry and warmer.
We will share the wild food we’ve made together and you will take home remedies to support your immune system as we go into the winter months.


Friday 31st October / 10am-12.30pm / £35pp

As winter begins, we adjust to a new season. A time to connect to our root energy and reflect. Lets mindfully walk the land and learn about the late medicine of this season available to us. Alice will talk through the medicinal and nutritional elements of each of the plants as well as giving many recipe suggestions and an email will be sent with some basic botany teaching guides alongside seasonal recipes to help you along on your foraging journey.

Learn about wintery potions to nourish and heal us. We will gather decaying foliage and make a crown, which we will then burn in the fire, letting go of the old year and welcoming the new cycle.


Alice is the eldest daughter of the Cragg family, the original owners of Wowo Campsite. Alice now owns the campsite with her siblings Bea & Staff. She set up and still runs all Workshops at Wowo. Realising the potential to help inner city kids and families experience nature connection and bushcraft as part of their camping experience. This then expanded to the general public in the surrounding area to also offer full day workshops in foraging and wild basketry plus more. The master forager Anna Richardson became and remains a dear friend and mentor to Alice, for which she is eternally grateful. Alice went on to deepen her own bushcraft skills by attending the year long survival course called Trackways which culminated in a 4 day survival quest in the Pyrenees.

Over the years she was so inspired by the plants that she also underwent a 3yr full time Herbal medicine course in London and is now a qualified medical Herbalist and Naturopath. Alice’s main passion is to empower and inspire kids and families to help themselves stay healthy through the abundance of nature’s medicine around us. Alice also grows herbs in her herb garden at wowo and turns many of her harvests into her product range of herbal tonics which you can buy from the campsite reception shop or from her online shop.

Alice host’s wild medicine walks and practical herbal medicine making workshops for all ages in the East Sussex area. She also offers seasonal days of foraging, practical medicine making, basic botany and biology workshops for Home Education groups. Her Home-Ed herbal groups have become very popular in recent years, find out more here. Alice is available for private 1:1 herbal consultations, private foraging events for groups either at Wowo or a location of your choice. Visit her website to find out more:

alice betony foraging and wild herbalism workshop
alice betony foraging and wild herbalism workshop


Foraging, Wild Medicine and Potion Workshops with Alice Rose Betony from Sacred Seeds Herbal Project. Wowo’s very own resident medical herbalist.

Prices: Herbal holiday club day £45 for 1 Adult & 1 Child; £20 for additional child / Wild Medicine Walks £35pp.

Refund Policy: 30 days notice or longer – 90% refunded. 15 – 29 days notice – 50% refunded. 14 days or less notice – No refund.

Scroll down below the calendar to see the list of foraging and wild medicine walks and workshops on offer.

Wowo campsite east sussex camping and glamping


There is so much happening at Wowo throughout the year. Whether it’s workshops, music, activities, campfires or anything else you want from your camping trip, make sure you stay in the know by subscribing to our newsletter. We promise no spam, just a casual update twice a year with updates or offers!


If you want to book onto a workshop but still have some questions, we will be happy to help clear things up for you! You will need to make the booking on the booking section on the relevant workshop page, but if you have anything to ask about any workshops then please drop us a line below.